About Us

Steve and Sally celebrate more than 48 years of ministry together. After pastoring a small Baptist church in Texas, they served for seven years as missionaries in Kenya, where they began to see a powerful move of God. After that, they spent eleven years in England, where they pastored, planted churches, and worked with an apostolic team.

They returned to the States in obedience to a word from the Lord that revival was coming and in 1995, Steve and Sally planted Dayspring in Springfield, Missouri, a church, which serves as their ministry base.

Over the last few years Steve and Sally have witnessed a dramatic increase in the miraculous and they are committed to seeing the miraculous restored to the gospel message. They now lead teams into the nations, equipping and activating the church to live a naturally supernatural lifestyle as they watch the power of God change lives.

Steve and Sally both serve on the leadership teams of International Christian Leadership Connections (ICLC), a relational network of churches. And they also serve as members of the advisory board for the Apostolic Network of Global Awakening.