Oh, the awe I feel when I think of all we see You doing in this season.
I am so privileged to be alive and well and able to participate with my husband in releasing “heaven into earth” and giving glory to You, Lord.
I believe You’re asking us to stop and take the time to see how very important earthly relationships are, more so than we’ve ever realized. You seem to be drawing the nets of relationships together; therefore, we pray that we will have fully partnered with You and engaged with these nets as You have purposed. We sense that in drawing these nets together You will even gather in all those who have actually fought to escape Your glorious redemptive plan and the amazing life in Christ that awaits them.
So, Father, our prayer is that Your Holy Spirit will train us, even as He equips us to present powerfully the Full Gospel message to the lost, to the miserable, to all the unsaved that we come in contact with daily. Open our eyes to see them, fill our hearts with Your love and compassion, then infuse us with a boldness that won’t let go until we bring those treasures to You.
“Come, Your Kingdom; be done Your will on earth as it is in Heaven.”