Waves of Grief

Waves of Grief

I am not sure I fully understand the meaning of this phrase, but I first heard it when I was experiencing pain at the loss of our daughter and it so seemed to fit the way I felt. One moment I would feel fine, but then I would take a deep breath and exhale with a slight groan.  I would have had a thought of my daughter in some way.

The awesome thing is that I know she is with Jesus. Perhaps I have not thought as deeply about this whole matter as I should  – what does  “being with Jesus” really mean? Whatever I am to know and experience this side of heaven, I long to know.

We have all heard the accounts of people who came so near death that they seemed to enter heaven and could describe the beauty and serenity of it.  These accounts are beautiful, but I would love to ask Jesus for a similar experience without the near death situation. Is having a greater knowing about our eternal home while here on earth something He desires for each of us?

I just know that if I have a better understanding, there will no longer be the sigh or groan when I recall an occasion with our daughter, because I won’t be thinking of what I can no longer have. I may recall it, but it will come with the sweet fragrance of a beautiful moment in time. Waves of grief can become waves of glory! During the worship on Easter Sunday morning at Surprise Sithole’s church here in South Africa, I pictured Rachel dancing and waving one of her beautiful prayer shawls before the Lord – truly “waves of glory”! Rachel always had a great love for South Africa.

May you be blessed in this beautiful month.