We surrender – to YOU

We surrender – to YOU

Jesus, we have truly come to realize that the war raging on the earth is a war for control. From the beginning the enemy strategized to take from man the dominion of the earth – man was to tend and care for it, even to subdue it.

So, through the subversive activity of the enemy control passed from humanity’s hands to the enemy. The enemy continues to carry out his evil plans by seducing mankind to submit to him and his way of thinking and, therefore, doing.

But we are urged today by the Holy Spirit NOT to follow the seductive ways of Satan. Romans 8:12, 13 tells us, “So, dear Christian friends, you have no obligation whatsoever to do what your sinful nature urges you to do.”

We are warned in that passage that death, perishing will be the outcome if we give in to those urges; but it goes on to say, “…if through the power of the Holy Spirit, you turn from it and its evil deeds, you will live. For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.”

Father, reveal to us individually who is our Master? Who controls our thoughts; who directs our actions? To overcome the enemy’s control, we surrender – to YOU

We do know that the only way we can be led by the Holy Spirit is when we refuse to give in to the temptations of other forces that wish to control us and we fully surrender to the leading of the Holy Spirit. So, Lord we ask that Your Presence with us will lead us and stir in us a passion, a hunger for You that cannot be stolen from us; no matter the strategy the enemy uses.