When I Think of Your Love

When I Think of Your Love

Father, when I think of Your love and all You do to demonstrate Your love, I ask that You might enable me to express in some small measure my appreciation, my deep thankfulness and gratitude for You and Your love. But where do I begin, Lord?

From the moment I came to understand Your salvation, I knew I was forgiven for all the sin in my life – past, present and future. This amazing understanding gave me such peace of mind and heart, and because of it I was and am able to enjoy life and to dream of good things. Living from a positive place, rather than from a fearful, lonely place gives a person understanding of life and why they live. And then when we think of the joy of worshiping You all by ourselves or with many others, we rejoice in this tremendous and exhilarating privilege.

Meditating on Your love can almost overwhelm us. It is so powerful and without demand; it gives to us life after having lived on the edge of death; it restores hope to those who have lost hope. But more than anything, Your love draws us to You, cleans us up and comforts us by showing us our purpose.

Love so amazing, so divine! It makes us want to cry out, “Lord, pour out Your love upon this world which is filled with hatred!!” But then we remember that You have already done that; it is now time for us to reveal Your love through our lives of love. Holy Spirit, please assist us in this enormous mission.