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Have you received a healing through our ministry? If so, we invite you to send us a testimony of your experience that we can share with others. Send us a message here.


Marty and Dana pastor our Dayspring church plant in Eldorado Springs, Missouri. For several weeks the Lord had been speaking to Dana about the power of her words and at one point had said to her that, “when you speak My word out of your mouth, It is as powerful as when I speak it […]...

Stroke Healed

Sunday May 14th 2017 we were speaking at the Philadelphia Church in Paris. During the first morning service I asked all the sick to stand and had the people next to them pray as I walked them through the 5-step prayer model...

Paralytic Healed

Last night we were speaking at the Agape church with a Global Awakening team On the way to the service Sally felt she heard the Holy Spirit say God was going to do an extraordinary miracle during the meeting. ...

Blind Eyes Open

Tonight we prayed for a young man named Lucas who was born blind in his left eye. He came up to us in response to a word of knowledge given about blindness. ...

Caleb’s Grandmother – Tumor Disappears

Caleb went home after service and prayed for his grandmother who had been diagnosed with a large tumor in her lung. When she went in the next week for a follow up visit the doctor came back in and asked “who removed the tumor?"...

Syrian Refugees

Sunday morning was a new level. Two Lebanese churches and one Pilipino church had come together for the service. Then added to the mix was a whole busload of Syrian refugees most of whom were from another faith. ...

Hearing Restored

Luke, one of the young men in the church had just graduated from high school. One day as he left work he encountered a couple sitting on the curb outside. ...

Shoulder Healed While Transcribing

We had asked a company to transcribe some of my messages to use as chapters in our next book. When Sandra went to pick up the finished work, she heard a great testimony...

Treasure Hunt

We had the clues red, bicycle, railroad tracks, a “T” logo, park bench, Alfred Lord Tennyson (author), blue, green, white hair, dark spiky hair, right elbow and ankle....

Neck Healed

We were doing one of our monthly treasure hunts in Springfield, and we had Walmart on our treasure map. As we were walking into the store I saw a guy who had a matching clue to my list, I think it was a black shirt...

Dyslexia Healed

I grew up with dyslexia. When I was in the sixth grade I was reading on a third grade reading level. I was going to be held back from going on to the seventh grade, so over the summer my parents got me a tutor....

Miracle Child

Mamli and her husband Elias have planted dozens of churches in unreached villages in the hills of northern India. Even though they have nothing by the world’s standards, they have an anointing for breakthrough and regularly witness miracles and healings in their ministry....

A Lesson in Supernatural Provision

For most of our time in ministry I ran a business doing and overseeing a variety of different projects in building and maintenance. Most of our travel over the first few years was paid for by the finance the business brought in; we were glad to be able to do it and it kept there from being such a heavy burden on the church....

Cora’s Restaurant

Steve and I were having breakfast at Cora's Restaurant in Regina, Saskatchewan. During the course of our meal our server came to refill coffee....

Arm Healed When Doctor Prayed

I gave a word of knowledge for an arm injured in a skateboard accident. The young man wasn’t there the night I gave the word, but his friends brought him the next night....